About Us

Location Business News

Background:  Our journalists have been covering the location industry since 1992.  In addition, we have operated location conferences and webinars since 1997.  We cover the entire worldwide location and autonomous vehicle industry.

Our Products:  Driverless Report, Location Business News, yearbooks/directories, conferences, webinars, e-newsletters and e-mail marketing.

We have more than 30,000 industry LinkedIn followers, current lists that total nearly 40,000 e-mails, 21,000 e-newsletter subscribers…Get your message in front of the real decision-makers!   

Kevin Dennehy, Editor

Kevin Dennehy has reported on mobile technologies for 25 years for daily newspapers, magazines and industry newsletters. He operates industry conferences and webinars giving companies critical insight.  Kevin can be reached at kdennehy@driverlessreport.com.