Targeting real-time location system (RTLS) service providers and integrators, u-blox last week launched u-locate. The indoor positioning solution, based on Bluetooth LE angle-of-arrival (AoA), delivers positioning accuracy levels down to 10 centimeters, the company said.
The company said the targeted RTLS and systems integrators have tracking applications for warehousing, manufacturing, healthcare and other use cases. The product’s AoA positioning offers Bluetooth 5.1 technology with low power consumption and increased battery life, the company said.

U-locate also consists of positioning middleware (u-locateHub), a positioning engine (u-locateEngine), anchor points (u-locateAnchor) and tags (u-locateTag). It can be integrated with u-blox’s GNSS products for indoor and outdoor localization, the company said.
U-locateHub complies with the omlox global interoperability standard and its well-documented API platform contains various APIs, supporting integration with multiple vendor solutions, the company said.