GeoComm and Esri Canada have introduced a proof-of concept (PoC) solution that locates 9-1-1 callers inside buildings during an emergency event. The solution, unveiled at the Esri Partner Conference, enables emergency services personal to find the location of people, assets and events that are indoors, the companies said.
The PoC was demonstrated with the city of Guelph, Ontario, through a more than $1 million (CAD) Defense Research and Development grant.

The companies say that the solution is relevant because people spend more than 80 percent of their lives indoors. In addition, 80 percent of 9-1-1 calls now originate from mobile phones with no fixed location. While geodetic positions are now becoming available, without the context of indoor space, dispatchers only have a blue dot on a map, the companies contend.
In other company news, GeoComm has announced that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has issued it a patent for its z-axis vertical location technology. The company said it the FCC had observed rules for wireless carriers required that a determination of mobile 9-1-1 caller z-axis (vertical) position be provided to Emergency Communication Centers in Height above Ellipsoid. GeoComm said it invented a new system and methods for converting raw geodetic position measurements with z-axis information that can be used within the ECC.
Contact: GeoComm, Esri Canada,,,