Raytheon Intelligence & Space RTX 0.53%↑ has been awarded a Federal Aviation Administration contract, with a ceiling value of $375 million over the next 10 years, for upgrades to the agency’s Wide-Area Augmentation System, or WAAS.
Task orders, valued at $215 million, were executed at contract award to provide technical refresh and Dual Frequency Operation (DFO) upgrades to WAAS, the company said.

Under the WAAS DFO-2 contract, to be completed at Fullerton, Calif., RI&S will deliver enhanced processing, system security, network architecture and dual frequency service, the company said. “Our modernization effort for WAAS will improve system robustness during ionospheric events and ensure safety-of-life requirements continue to be met,” said Denis Donohue, president, Surveillance & Network Systems at RI&S, in a statement.
Raytheon, which has been prime development contractor for WAAS since 1996, has made dozens of enhancements to the system after it reached initial operational capability in 2003. These enhancements include precision approach capability, coverage area and improvements to the system infrastructure in preparation for dual frequency service.
Contact: Tamar Brill, Raytheon, tamar.a.brill@raytheon.com.