HERE Technologies released results of its ‘On the Move’ survey of transportation and logistics (T&L) professionals in the Germany, the United Kingdom and United States. The survey, authored with Amazon Web Services (AWS), shows a gap in the adoption of data analytics and AI, along with a lack of sustainability goals and progress toward achieving real-time supply chain visibility, the company said.
While sustainability is a hot industry topic, the survey indicated it consistently ranks the least important consideration to companies—even across the three countries surveyed, HERE said. “German logistics professionals’ number one priority was the need for better route planning and real-time tracking, while U.S. and U.K. professionals emphasized increasing customer satisfaction the most,” the survey said.

In terms of AI adoption, only 50 percent of T&L professionals use basic analytics in their operations, the survey said. “At the same time, 25 percent of all respondents state their organization leverages AI capabilities. This underscores the untapped potential of AI – from data analytics supported by machine learning to optimizing fleet routing, predictive maintenance and streamlining processes for strategic decision-making,” HERE said.
HERE said that 31 percent of professionals surveyed in Germany cited cost barriers alongside 23 percent of respondents in the U.K. and U.S. Potential disruption to existing services (12 percent) and lack of internal expertise (11 percent) were the second and third highest cited barriers to technology implementation, the survey said.
Respondents in each country placed real-time tracking and route optimization as their number one and two most valued capabilities to improve their supply chain visibility. “On one hand, this study shows the progress being made by companies towards increasing their supply chain visibility. On the other hand, it’s clear the industry currently lacks the contextual data, AI capabilities and tools needed to optimize fleet deployments, routing, and appropriate mode switching,” said Remco Timmer, vice president of product management at HERE Technologies.