Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a public notice seeking comment on NextNav’s $NN filing to reconfigure the Lower 900 MHz band (902-928 MHz band).
In April, NextNav filed a rulemaking petition asking the FCC to not only reconfigure the Lower 900 MHz band, but to adopt new rules to enable a terrestrial 3D PNT network to complement and back up GPS. The company contends that “the rearrangement of the band would also free up 15 MHz of valuable low-band spectrum for 5G broadband while appropriately protecting incumbent operations.”

NextNav CEO Mariam Sorond said that the spectrum band reconfiguration compliments GPS to continue location mapping and tracking services and national security needs. “Moreover, our plan creates abundance from scarcity in this band by unleashing much-needed spectrum for wireless technology. These common-sense solutions can benefit consumers and our national interests at no cost to taxpayers,” Sorond said.
NextNav, which is the primary geographic licensee in the Lower 900 MHz Band, said much of it is underused because of antiquated rules. The new reconfigured band, the company contends, will allow terrestrial PNT services for GPS.
Comments are due pretty quickly as the FCC has set a Sept. 5, 2024, deadline. After that, the federal agency will review the comments to develop proposed rules.