CMC Electronics and Hexagon’s Autonomy & Positioning division have partnered on a GNSS platform for aviation. The companies said they will merge CMC’s certification expertise with a Hexagon-NovAtel GNSS platform that aims to detect spoofing and jamming.

The new platform will be marketed to commercial aviation, which are embracing multi-frequency, multi-constellation (MCMF) GNSS positioning and assured positioning, navigation and timing (APNT), the companies say. The companies recognize that jamming and spoofing of GNSS signals “is no longer confined to military conflicts” as commercial aviation users are being jammed worldwide.
Montreal-based CMC’s next-generation receiver, certified to DO-254 Level A standards, integrates GNSS measurement technology from Hexagon-NovAtel. “We have been working on and delivering safety-critical positioning technology for 25 years, since the field’s inception, and much of that work has been side-by-side with CMC.” said Stig Pedersen, Hexagon executive vice president of Aerospace & Defense, in a statement.