MachineQ has extended capabilities of MachineQ for Indoor Asset Tracking, the real-time location system (RTLS) solution the company launched last year, that features new asset tracking tags and a space utilization solution. The company, owned by Comcast CMCSA 0.00, launched a suite of active asset tags, including the Nano RT, Nano LP, the Dura ET, Dura PT, and Dura AC.
These low-energy tags, with long battery life, are targeted to such asset tracking customers as those in laboratories and other facilities. “These tags were purpose-built to offer customers flexible options for tracking and monitoring equipment and assets critical to their day-to-day operations,” said Gaurav Naik, MachineQ’s head of engineering, in a statement.

MachineQ also plans to augment its current suite of indoor asset tracking and facilities wellness solutions by adding what it calls space utilization. The solution leverages privacy-centric sensors to count the number of people occupying a room to help facility managers understand space use and traffic patterns.
In addition, Lab management and facilities teams can identify whether lab space and equipment are being over or underused and optimize the distribution of lab equipment, the company said. This process helps scientists to assess what tools they need–and drive revenue, the company said.
MachineQ’s Steven Corbesero, director of product and solutions, said the new IoT tags allow organizations to monitor their operations in real-time for corrective and predictive actions.
Contact: Joel Shadle, Comcast,,