The result of the color problems was what one publication called “retina-melting white light” coming from the Waze app, evening during the night. Waze fixed the bug, but it took a month.

Waze, owned by Google GOOG -0.37%↓, has had its best features already bogarted by Google Maps. Some other Waze problems include the app crashing, a faulty interface, planned trips disappearing and bad Android Auto support.
The articles don’t make any assumptions whether Google laying off Waze employees has anything to do with the recent bad ratings. It was not known how many of the company’s 500 or so employees were let go in June.
Location Business News reported, Google planned to merge its Geo staff with the Waze group. At that time, Google, which acquired Waze more than 10 years ago, said it was under pressure to reduce costs and be more productive by merging “overlapping product areas.”